Cadence – How Fast You Speak

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Cadence – How Fast You Speak

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I send most of my body language and intuition tips via v-mail (short videos delivered to your inbox).


In some videos you speak slowly, and in others you speak quickly. Is this intentional?

Certified Body Language Trainer Monica Levin answers this question in this week’s Two-Minute Tuesday Video.

In some videos you speak slowly, and in others you speak quickly. Is this intentional?

The rate at which we speak is called cadence and my cadence does change, from moment to moment. If I’ve spent the day by myself and I’m feeling relaxed, I tend to speak more slowly. However, if I make a video at the end of a day in which I was at a fair or delivering a talk or a presentation, then I’m likely feeling a bit wired and I speak faster.

If I’m speaking with someone one-on-one, I try to mirror their cadence. If I’m speaking with someone who speaks slowly, I will slow down my cadence because if I speak too quickly they will not be able to absorb the information.

If I’m speaking with someone who speaks more quickly than me, I don’t bother trying to mirror their cadence. If I do, then I end up stumbling over my words.

Modifying your cadence can add emotionality to your communication. Excitement can be implied by speaking quickly and seriousness can be implied by speaking slowly and deliberately.

There is no right and wrong. I try to be self-aware and then intentional about my cadence.

Example where I speak quickly: Is someone lying if they look up and to the right?

Example where I speak more slowly: Nonverbal Messages in Artwork

Now what?

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Do you want a body language speaker, trainer, or coach? Contact Monica Levin.