90-Minute Body Language Presentation

90-Minute Body Language Presentation

This is one of our most popular options and is perfect for:

 conference breakout sessions

 onsite employee training

  keynote addresses

 virtual employee training

Body Language Presentations

Examples of Body Language Presentation Topics


Keynote Speaker - Custom Body Language Presentation

We will create a custom presentation or workshop for you.


Keynote Speaker - Body Language Presentation for Sales

Build trust and improve your relationships with your customers.


Keynote Speaker - Body Language Presentation for Service

Connect with people you serve and put them at ease.


Keynote Speaker - Body Language Presentation for Leadership

Become a more effective and connected leader.


Keynote Speaker - Body Language Presentation for Relationships

Improve your relationships at home, at work, and in social situations.


Keynote Speaker - Body Language Presentation for Intuition

Bring your intuition into concrete knowing and learn to trust what you observe.


Keynote Speaker - Body Language Presentation for Health

Reduce stress, improve your immune system, and engage with others in meaningful ways.


Contact Us to discuss your event. Schedule Monica to be your conference speaker.


Contact Us to discuss your needs.

Read about our Two-Day Training option.