Why You Feel Awkward with People Who Wear Masks

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Why You Feel Awkward with People Who Wear Masks

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Why You Feel Awkward with People Who Wear Masks

It’s not unusual to feel awkward when you’re talking with people who are wearing masks. Let’s review the different kinds of gazing so you can better understand your feelings and bring your unconscious biases into consciousness.

Power Gazing

High-powered people in business keep their gaze between the person’s eyes and their forehead. This is called power gazing.

Power Gazing for Business

Social Gazing

In a social setting, the gaze shifts to between the person’s eyes and their mouth. This is called social gazing.

Social Gazing

Intimate Gazing

In an intimate setting, the social gaze deepens to between the person’s eyes and their suprasternal notch. This gaze is called intimate gazing and is a subconscious mate assessment.

Intimate Gazing Intimate Gazing Suprasternal notch


Your Default Gaze and the Mask

If your default gaze (the gaze that makes you feel most comfortable) is the social gaze, you will feel awkward when someone is wearing a mask because you cannot see their mouth. You will be forced into power gazing (business gazing) and you will feel less friendly.

If you are aware of your unconscious bias that tells you that you are less friendly, you can override it.

Now what?

Do you want a body language speaker, trainer, or coach? Contact Monica Levin.

Interested in intuition training? Check out www.MonicaLevin.com and contact Monica Levin.