2020-05-06 Daily Dose of Love

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2020-05-06 Daily Dose of Love

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I send most of my body language and intuition tips via v-mail (short videos delivered to your inbox).


2020-05-06 Daily Dose of Love

Here is a short guided meditation and then an oracle card message for the day.

Today’s cards:

Past: Soulmate – Your heart has been yearning for a big love. Since you are on the spiritual path, you desire a partner with a similar philosophy and common interests. Can you have great passion and spiritual companionship with the same person? This card confirms that your answer is YES! Trust and follow the lead of your inner guidance.

Present: Dreams – You are receiving important messages during your dreams. Sometimes you may wake up with the feeling that you have traveled or received instructions during your sleep. These messages and experiences are never lost. Instead, they are incorporated into your unconscious so that your higher self’s wisdom and love govern your actions. Keep dreaming and follow your guidance.

Future: Intention – Take an inventory of your intentions. What do you expect to happen today, tomorrow, or in the future? Infuse your intentions with love. See yourself and others as happy, successful, and peaceful.

ENJOY! See you at tomorrow’s Daily Dose of Love Facebook Live? Sign up here: https://www.facebook.com/IntuitionWithMonica/

Intuition Trainer Monica Levin

I teach people how to connect to AND TRUST their intuition. You can find out more about me through www.MonicaLevin.com and call me for an appointment.

If you want an oracle card specifically for you, join my Facebook Live event Wisdom Wednesdays which is at 12:12 pm EST every Wednesday. Sign up here: https://www.facebook.com/IntuitionWithMonica/